How to Make Delicious Homemade Applesauce: A Step-by-Step Guide


Dear Readers,

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to make homemade applesauce. Whether you’re an experienced cook or a beginner in the kitchen, this step-by-step tutorial will help you create a delightful batch of applesauce that will tantalize your taste buds.

In this article, we will provide you with detailed instructions, tips, and tricks to ensure your applesauce turns out perfectly every time. So, let’s dive in and discover the wonders of homemade applesauce!

Advantages of Making Applesauce

1. Nutritional Benefits:

Homemade applesauce is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious and healthy snack option for both kids and adults.

2. Preservative-Free:

By making your own applesauce, you have full control over the ingredients, ensuring there are no harmful additives or preservatives.

3. Tailored to Your Taste:

Experiment with different apple varieties and add your favorite spices to create a personalized flavor profile that suits your preferences.

4. Cost-Effective:

Buying store-bought applesauce can be expensive, but making it at home allows you to save money and utilize seasonal produce.

5. Versatile Ingredient:

Applesauce can be used in various recipes, such as cakes, muffins, and even as a substitute for oil in some baking recipes.

6. Fun Activity for the Family:

Making applesauce can be a fun and educational activity for the whole family, especially kids who can learn about different apple varieties and the cooking process.

7. Satisfaction of Homemade:

There’s a unique sense of satisfaction and pride that comes with creating something delicious from scratch, and homemade applesauce is no exception.

Disadvantages of Making Applesauce

1. Time-Consuming:

Making applesauce from scratch requires time and patience, as you have to peel, core, and cook the apples before blending them.

2. Equipment Required:

You’ll need basic kitchen equipment such as a peeler, corer, blender, and cooking utensils to make applesauce, which may not be readily available to everyone.

3. Storage Limitations:

Homemade applesauce has a shorter shelf life compared to store-bought options, so it’s essential to consume it within a few days or freeze it for later use.

4. Texture Variations:

Depending on the apple variety and cooking time, homemade applesauce can have a chunky or smooth texture, which may not appeal to everyone’s preferences.

5. Seasonal Availability:

While apples are available year-round in most places, the quality and variety may vary depending on the season, affecting the taste of your applesauce.

6. Risk of Spoilage:

If not stored properly or cooked thoroughly, homemade applesauce may spoil, leading to wastage of ingredients and efforts.

7. Learning Curve:

If you’re new to making applesauce, you may need a few attempts to perfect your recipe and achieve the desired flavor and consistency.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make Applesauce

Ingredients Quantity
Apples 10 medium-sized
Water 1 cup
Lemon Juice 2 tablespoons
Sugar Optional, to taste
Cinnamon Optional, to taste

Step 1: Choose the Right Apples

Start by selecting fresh, ripe apples. Varieties like Granny Smith, McIntosh, or Honeycrisp work well for applesauce due to their natural sweetness and texture.

Step 2: Prepare the Apples

Wash the apples thoroughly and remove any dirt or wax. Peel, core, and slice the apples into chunks, ensuring to discard the seeds and tough parts.

Step 3: Cooking Process

In a large pot, combine the apple chunks, water, and lemon juice. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 15-20 minutes until the apples are tender.

Step 4: Mash or Blend

Using a potato masher or a blender, mash the cooked apples until you achieve your desired consistency. For a smooth texture, blend the cooked apples in a blender or food processor.

Step 5: Sweeten and Flavor

If desired, add sugar and cinnamon to the applesauce, adjusting the quantities according to your taste preferences. Mix well until the flavors are evenly distributed.

Step 6: Let it Cool

Allow the applesauce to cool down before transferring it to airtight containers or jars. Refrigerate for immediate consumption or freeze for long-term storage.

Step 7: Enjoy!

Your homemade applesauce is now ready to be enjoyed on its own, as a topping for pancakes or yogurt, or as an ingredient in various recipes. Bon appétit!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I use any apple variety to make applesauce?

While most apple varieties can be used to make applesauce, certain varieties like Granny Smith, McIntosh, or Honeycrisp are preferred for their taste and texture.

2. Do I need to add sugar to my applesauce?

The addition of sugar is optional and depends on your taste preferences and the natural sweetness of the apples you’re using. You can adjust the sweetness accordingly.

3. Can I freeze homemade applesauce?

Yes, homemade applesauce can be frozen for later use. Make sure to store it in airtight containers or freezer bags and consume it within a few months for the best quality.

4. Is homemade applesauce healthier than store-bought options?

Yes, homemade applesauce is generally healthier as it doesn’t contain any preservatives or additives. You have control over the ingredients and can adjust the sweetness according to your preferences.

5. Can I use applesauce as a substitute for oil in baking?

Yes, applesauce can be used as a healthier alternative to oil or butter in baking recipes. It adds moisture and helps reduce the overall fat content in the dish.

6. How long does homemade applesauce last?

When stored properly in the refrigerator, homemade applesauce can last for about 5-7 days. If frozen, it can retain its quality for up to 3 months.

7. Can I add spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to my applesauce?

Absolutely! Adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or even a dash of vanilla extract can enhance the flavor profile of your applesauce. Experiment and find your favorite combination.


Now that you have gained a comprehensive understanding of how to make homemade applesauce, it’s time to put your newfound knowledge into action. Don’t hesitate to embark on this culinary adventure and experience the joy of creating your own delicious applesauce.

Remember, making applesauce at home not only allows you to enjoy a nutritious and preservative-free snack but also provides a wonderful opportunity to bond with your loved ones in the kitchen.

So, gather your apples, follow the step-by-step guide, and savor the delightful flavors of homemade applesauce. Happy cooking!


The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. While we strive to maintain accuracy, we cannot guarantee the effectiveness or outcome of the recipes and methods described. It is always recommended to follow proper food safety guidelines and consult professional advice when necessary.